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My rabbinate focuses on taking care of all aspects of spiritual life with warmth and compassion. Just as we have different shapes, so we have different souls, and I tailor my approach to each person and each community.


Rejoicing in Birth: Brit Bat and Brit Milah 

Welcoming a baby is always exciting, and can be a delicate time for new parents and siblings. Together we will craft a ritual that reflects the love you share in bringing your child into the world, and into the Covenant. Family and friends will be given roles to bless and support you. If this is your first we'll discuss the tradition of redemption, and go over what to expect.

Coming of Age: Bar and Bat Mitzvah, and ReMitzvah!

One of my favorite things is to watch the flowering of our youth as they take on responsibility within the Jewish community. While maintaining a high level of engagement, expectations are tailored to the child and family.  My students have composed dirges to express Josephs's feelings when thrown into the pit by his jealous brothers, created runway fashion shows to display the garments of the High Priests, told us the childhood stories of Balaam (turns out he was forced into professional cursing when his parents died of a plague), and connected their Torah readings to current events, to success in sports, or to their personal journeys. Community service is very important to me, as well as home responsibilities and privileges that mark transitions to adult status.

Never had a Bat Mitzvah?  Feeling that your experience as a youth needs a little enrichment?  Individual or group ReMitzvah for adults is a great opportunity to explore new skills or hone forgotten ones, and celebrate your spirituality in a deep way.


Sacred Union: Weddings

I have been honored to stand under the chuppah (wedding canopy) with couples of all sorts - Jewish, interfaith, LGBTQ - I've even done weddings in historical costume.  Together we will create a wedding experience that reflects who you are, the beauty of your love for one another, and the traditions you each bring to the union. Working with the model of the Tree of Life, I gently guide couples through spiritual preparation for marriage and family life, with the goal to making the ceremony rich, meaningful and beautiful.

Choosing Judaism: Conversion

If your spirit is drawn to join the Jewish people in a formal way, whatever your reason, we will study together and send you on adventures to discover your personal path within the myriad of traditions and customs. I will introduce you to a welcoming Beit Din (group of rabbis) at the end of our work and rejoice with you at your mikveh (ritual bath, modesty preserved).


Devotional Learning, Community Connection, Spiritual Care and Pastoral Counseling

Sometimes the world is too hard to be managed without spiritual sustenance, and I am here for all such reasons, as well as to help craft a life of awareness and gratitude in less trying times. Ongoing study revolving around spiritual texts can be undertaken privately or in groups - a great way to connect to enduring friends. I delight in sharing your journey and making suggestions for depth, breadth and exploration.

Dissolution of Relationships: Divorce

While never easy, the support of your community at times of change is helpful. I provide counsel, assistance with synagogue presence and managing children through divorce from a spiritual perspective. Working with sensitivity, I can help with ritual exchange of a Get (Jewish bill of divorce), valid in Liberal Judaism or direction to a traditional Get.


End of Life Planning, Funerals and Memorials

The passing of a loved one is never easy, and I am here to assist you to find a path in preparation, funeral, shiva and mourning that is authentic to your needs and supports you best.  I have helped navigate end of life decisions for the elderly and terminally ill, led sing-outs (to accompany the soul with music as it leaves the body) including three generations of family as a person is passing, officiated at many moving funerals and memorial services, founded a chevre kaddisha (burial society) and taught people including teens how to do tahara (the ritual preparation of a person for burial).  As a congregational Rabbi, my voice on the phone or a seat at my kitchen table for tea and solace is available at any time of day or night.

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